Key Features of the Solution
Educational Institution management
AdlER School Management System brings different stakeholders of an Educational Institution environment into a unified platform. The scalable portal interface extends the applicable functions of the school to parents & students so that they can access the required information online. The main advantage of AdlER is that all operational functions like HR & Payroll, Finance, Inventory etc. are integrated seamlessly with functional modules of student admissions, fee, school stores, school canteen, library,
transportation, academics etc. The solution has added features like cashless payment solution by which parents can maintain a pre-paid valet and pay for all services fees directly and kids can use the wallet in school through their ID cards for any purchases.
AdlER provides required components to integrate with any specific academic solution or third-party solutions like time table
generation engines. The transport management is built in with RFID/GPS based tracking system to track busses and
students for their safety and security. Apart from the features detailed above, AdlER has general features like dashboards,
e-mail alerts, E mail integration, notifications, approval workflows etc. to provide an all-in-one solution for the client.